Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mike and Nan's

Western Kansas is just at beautiful... less crops more cattle, less hills more flat, less trees and well less trees.  But still full of cute crossroad towns.  So full of magestic beauty Aaron had to break out into his entire repertoir of Patriotic songs (thank you Sanborn Elementary).

We'd have to say, eastern CO not so much.  Flat, dusty and pretty depressed.  Soon in the haze we saw the Rockies.  Bold beautuful and snowy. 

Followed the map through crazy beautiful windy
roads to Mike's.

Great to see them, they life in a beautiful spot and home.


White water rafting on Clear Creek.

It was fantastic!  Great rafting company, a raft for just the five of us. Pictures to follow.

Out to dinner after the rafting to a great brewery in Idaho Springs.


  1. looks great so far. WW rafting looks outrageous. keep rolling

  2. Have you read about the Yellowstone lava Geyser? Not sure exactly where in Yellowstone this is.

  3. Trying to find out if this is true or what!

  4. Looks like you are having an amazing time. I love reading your blog...and now I am going to join Aaron in singing America the Beautiful.

  5. I am not sure why it said "unknown" but the previous comment was written by Nancy :)
